Making top quality education available to all

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The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. The next best time is now.

Fareeha Athar

"They strive to bring the best from you and the teachers work arduously so that you can achieve great grades. I recommend highly if you covet to be highly knowledgeable."

Fahim Hussain

"Ucademy is the best place you can go to if you want to achieve the grades you want, even through this difficult time Ucademy still helps you thrive with online tutoring."

Mumtaz Manjra

"Ucademy not only provided excellent support and tutoring for my daughter in her sciences but also supported her in other areas where needed. Their principle of teaching is of high standard, I would highly recommend."

📚 Join the Ucademy Family with a Community of Intelligent and Aspiring Students

Learn how to achieve grade 9s and A*s - we’ll start from scratch and create a pathway to leading universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. Without quitting your day job 😉

🚀 Our Story

Ucademy founder, Usman, attended the 3rd lowest ranked school by grades in Birmingham where most students didn't even get GCSE grades.

Usman went on to study at the University of Oxford and at the University of Birmingham. Since founding Ucademy, we have supported an audience of 80,000+ for GCSE and Alevel across the world, featuring in The Telegraph, and helped students achieve places in competitive courses such as Medicine or Dentistry, and at top universities including the University of Oxford.

Quite the journey!

⚗️The Secret to Getting into Oxford

Over the past 7 years, we have learned a lot about what it takes to get a student from a low grade, provide value consistently, and achieve the top grade. We have recruited the best consultants, paying market leading rates to ensure our courses and coaching programs have the secret sauce that helps a student achieve the top. And you know what? There’s no secret. It’s mostly just a matter of —

  1. Working on techniques that are scientifically proven
  2. Replicating habits and routines of top students
  3. Consistently completing the required work

That’s all it takes. I can guarantee that if you follow this simple, 3-part formula, your life will change in ways you can’t imagine. For a start, you’ll learn incredibly useful skills, start to score amazing marks in your tests, and you will begin to understand the world with a deeper perspective. You may even get scholarships to study at Oxford 😊

But sadly, as with all things, getting started and maintaining quality + consistency is easier said than done.

🎯 The Challenges of Being a Top Student

  •  Researching topics individually. You won’t find much joy, in the early stages when you have to painstakingly research the content, when your fear is greater than the knowledge on the subject.
  • You’ll have to get over the fear of failure and recognise that everyone was born with the same amount of knowledge.
  • You’ll have to figure out what exam papers are like and how they can best be utilised. 
  • You’ll need to learn how to schedule your time.
  • You’ll worry that you’re not smart enough and you will not be able to get the grades. 
  • You’ll be constantly thinking about the other students, while simultaneously trying not to think about your own grades. 
  • You’ll end up studying for the whole day at a time, and at other times having no idea how anyone can study for more than 15 minutes. 

And you’ll have to do all this (and a lot more) whilst juggling family, relationships and health - and also doing your best to enjoy the journey and avoid burnout.

This is hard. It takes a lot of work. But it’s also really fun, and if you can make it work, it’s genuinely life-changing.

If there's one at all, the real "secret" is that you want to replicate what top students already do, without it taking up large amounts of your own time. Instead of thinking that you have to reinvent the wheel, you only need to learn from those who have succeeded.

We have refined such a system for Ucademy students, and we can help you build yours.

🧠 The Ucademy School

The Ucademy School is an on demand course where we will teach you everything we know about how to grow and develop into an independent academic student that can pick up a book or degree and churn out amazing results without having to sell your soul.

It’s based on our Benchmarking Tool, the system we have developed to help our students have a holistic picture of their current and future academic potential.

We have fantastic results and glowing testimonials.

Our courses run whenever you are ready and last for a year. So you can work through stuff at your own pace. You will have access to a combination of specially curated lectures, Quizzes, Worksheets, Project assignments, private support group to help you kickstart your educational journey or build upon your existing one. 

For the period of membership student will have Free access to our Live Sessions on Medicine, Dentistry, Oxbridge applications amongst others.

Each live session will have 60-90 minutes of teaching, followed by an open Q&A.

Upon completion of the course students will be part of an Elite Alumni group which allows for networking with leading students, peers and academics.

🥳 By the end of the Full Courses...

  1. You’ll have completed your subject content.
  2. You’ll have learnt how to research and plan each stage of the syllabus & test.
  3. You’ll be comfortable discussing ideas about the topics with your notes.
  4. You will learn how to make use of different resources.
  5. You will know how to make good notes.
  6. You will get our recommendation of how to take your understanding to the next level.
  7. You’ll have a system that ensures you can always refine and learn a difficult concept from scratch.
  8. You will learn how to ask the right questions and how to identify what is required and what isn't.
  9. You will learn how to record, learn and improve your mistakes.

🥳 What is in the Full Course?

There's a lot of stuff in the course. I promise you'll have a great time with it. Here's a quick summary. 

📘 1. Core Course Modules

By the end of the course, you’ll have the core content completed for your syllabus, and a system on how to make effective notes which you actually need and can use at a later point, without burning out. Through our course core modules we'll cover —

🧬 Studying Techniques — Finding your the most effective studying technique, nailing down the idea, building out your notes, the best ways to approach different problems and minimising friction for future revision. If you're a beginner, these sessions will be perfect for you. Even if you're not, you'll probably learn lots of useful things.

💡 Research — How to research. We'll help you get comfortable with being stuck on a problem and why this isn't as bad as it looks on the surface. We will talk about researching and how it is done at the highest levels. We can then look at how you can best research whatever you want, with confidence and authority that your research has some credibility.

✍️ Feynman Technique — How to structure your understanding so that you can explain & teach the complex ideas you are studying to a very young child. The technique is based of the famous Nobel Prize winning Physicist Richard Feynman.

🔥 Create Notes — How to create a effective notes to boost your efficiency, so you’re never stressed by difficult questions. You will learn to use them as your one source of truth. We will talk about the power of efficient notes and how a whole course (e.g GCSE Maths) can be summarised into a few pages.

🚀 Practice — Certainly the most important part of succeeding. In fact it is so important, we rather you went away and just did this instead of even joining our courses or going to school! Utilise our extensive range of worksheets and papers (official and unofficial) numbering in the 100s.

🤑 Benchmarking — How to ensure you are learning from your mistakes and where you stand in terms of your peers. We will show you the real numbers behind the grades, and the steps it takes to get there.

🎬 2. Project Assignments

The Project Assignments will vary from course to course and allow the course to be studied in a more interesting and meaningful way.

The project assignments are created for students who want to take an extra (outside of the syllabus) interest in the subject.

Whilst we help students achieve the top marks, we are conscious that you can't develop as an intellectual mind in the field if you aren't exploring the boundaries regularly. The projects may involve recording short videos and uploading to Youtube, building a fully fledged app, or other mini experiments. These projects will be optional however we would recommend completion of these projects to gain full value from the course.

When you're done with your project, you'll link your video/ project to our community platform, and other students (and members of our team) will give you feedback.

👨‍👧‍👦 3. Community + Support + Accountability

Remember how we said that consistently completing the work is how you grow as a student? Well, this becomes much easier when you've got a community of friends, colleagues and supporters all doing the same thing and cheering each other on.

🙋‍♂️ 1. Your own Student Progress Manager

Your progress will be closely monitored by your own progress manager. There’ll be ample opportunity to ask questions you need to via our dedicated channel or email.

⚡️ 2. Private Channel for Support

When it comes to being successful as a student, it is a lot easier when you have support from peers. This is why all students have access to our private channel for the duration of their course. With different students at different stages, students can support and help each other grow.

🧙‍♂️ 3. Alumni Elite Sessions

The Alumni elite sessions will allow you to be part of a selective group of students who completed the full course. Often these students will have varying backgrounds from leading universities to studying for Medicine. Please note Alumni Elite sessions are not available to students who leave part way through the course or have been refunded the fees.

🤝 4. Private 1-2-1 Support

Additional 1-2-1 sessions can be purchased with specialist tutors, should you need this as add ons at any point in the course.

🗣 4. Free Live Guest Workshops


Nabil studied Engineering alongside Usman at University of Oxford. Nabil is involved in widening education access to the community. 

Nabil will run sessions with reference to applications of Maths, Physics and Scholarships.

Dr Wasim

Wasim is a Junior Doctor in the NHS and provides specialist advice on entry into Medicine across different universities.


Maliha has been working and volunteering with children and young people since she was 16, and has a passion for guiding young people to reach their full potential. She is currently reading for an undergraduate degree in Neuroscience at University College London. As an intern for the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, she has conducted research to change patient care within the NHS and contributed to a publication in the Oxford Research Encylcopedia of Neuroscience.


Holder of a first-class BA in English from the University of Cambridge and a top-ranking distinction on the LLM Law Conversion from BPP Law School, Waterloo. Adam will run sessions on advance language techniques and advice on entrance at Oxbridge for language based subjects.


Terry is a Senior Examiner in Chemistry and writes questions for the official papers you sit. Terry writes the official terrifying (or easy) exam papers you sit at GCSEs and Alevels. So what better to talk to him about then the ins and outs of the papers?


Esther is a Neuroscience graduate from UCL and is currently a Masters candidate at UCL & Yale.

👨🏽‍💻 Who's the Course for?

🚀 'Serious' Beginners

You recognise studying as an incredible opportunity to develop your mind, carve out a lucrative career and make a meaningful impact on the world.

You haven't yet worked out the best strategies but you know it's something you want to do. Maybe you've been held back by the fear of the unknown, the poor school you attend, or even just bad teachers.

You're willing to take your new journey seriously from day 1, and want to invest time and effort up-front to set yourself up for success.

🎬 Ambitious Students

Congratulations! You already scored decent grades and have a fair understanding of what type of methods are efficient.

But you've realised that despite knowing some of the techniques you are still not quite where you need to be. You'd love to get all grades 9s or A* and aim towards Oxford or Cambridge. But maybe the idea of 'aiming for the stars' feels intimidating, and you wouldn't know where to start anyway.

💰 Home Education & Private Candidates

You see education as a great vehicle to engage with and grow as a person. You've got a tonne of experiential learning from doing things differently to the conventional school going student.

But starting on the journey to top grades & Universities always comes stuck at some hurdle. It falls into that classic important-but-not-urgent category and so it never gets done.

You're now ready to take action. You recognise the value of coaching and expertise, and you're willing to put in the work to make your education journey work for you.

✍️ International Families (Nomads)

You already learn in an interesting myriad of ways. But your education and travels don't always tie up. After all being in the suburbs of Barcelona, then the bustling metropolitan of Shanghai the next, doesn't allow for much consistency in the teaching methodology offered. You have covered a range of different syllabus and aren't sure how to ensure this maps on to the British system and especially for entrance at university.

You recognise that if you could add a school which caters to your voyager lifestyle, it would strengthen your future prospects significantly.

❌ Who's the Course NOT for?

This course isn't for you if...

  1. You're not willing to put in the time and effort to research the homework assignments on a weekly basis.
  2. You're looking for a magic bullet that'll cause you to become Einstein without any effort. There's no magic here. It's just about putting in the work, doing it consistently, and stacking the deck in your favour in whatever way you can.
  3. You're hoping that joining this course means you don't ever need to use another resource again. Again, that's not how it works. There are no shortcuts.

Having said all that, one thing we can guarantee is that if you watch the full course, complete the worksheet assignments, papers, quizzes, the projects and make use of the private channel and do this consistently, your life will change. We can't put a number on the time it takes (no one can), but if you can stick with this for significant time (usually 6 months - 2 years), you'll learn useful skills, you'll generate the ability to think, and you'll make friends with amazing people from all over the world. You might even secure the coveted places at leading universities.

Our only objective on this course, is to make it easier for you to maintain that level of consistency. If that sounds like something you'd like, we'd love to have you. If it's not what you're looking for, then sorry for wasting your time in reading this far, and we wish you the very best of luck. Regardless, feel free to email us if you need a hand with anything 😃

💰 Our Money-Back Promise

If you watch the video lessons, complete the homework assignments, and still don’t find the course useful, drop us an email and we'll happily refund your full payment within 14 days of the start of the course.

However, please note that the money-back guarantee only applies if you actually do the work and complete the assignments. If you don't do the work, you won't get any value from the course. 🙂

❓Frequently Asked Questions

You've probably got some questions. Please check out our FAQs page for answers to lots and lots of the most common issues.Â