Hijab Doctor UCAT

What is this Course all about?

This Personal Statement course will give you the tools, resources, and knowledge to kickstart your journey towards entrance into competitive courses at Universities. This means helping you build systems for sustainable writing, utilise the principles of top students, and create more consistent feedback mechanisms.

All this, without burning out, and maximising every step of the way.

So, let’s get into it.

Your Personal Statement matters more than you think!

The Personal Statement tells University what you are all about. Your strengths, your weaknesses and most importantly what you have learnt throughout the experiences you've had so far.

For non-interview course it is a no-brainer that this piece of writing is one of the key deciding factors when universities are deciding who gets an offer and who doesn't.

BUT, this is also true for Medical and Dental courses. You may have been told - your Personal Statement doesn't matter it's all about your UCAT and your interview. WRONG!

These are extremely competitive courses, all the serious applicants have a good UCAT, top GCSEs and will be able to smash the interview.

The distinguisher between a good applicant and GREAT applicant is the Personal Statement.

What's the solution?

I’m going to teach you everything I’ve learned.

The roadmap for accelerating your Personal Statement into the top 1% by writing has several components

  1. Anatomy of Personal Statement
  2. What not to do
  3. Ugly Drafts
  4. Review Pipeline
  5. Experience Factory
  6. Breaking down other people's personal statements
  7. Build Your Personal Statement
  8. Secret Techniques

If you are ready to dive straight into the writing revolution, there’s no better way than my online course Beat the Personal Statement. It dives deeper into each of these topics with superb tutorials, a cohort of peers, a powerful accountability structure, and feedback on each stage of your writing journey.

Let’s begin.

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How long does the course run for?

Our course commences when ever you like and runs until submission of UCAS (usually 15th October).

Is this course for me?

The programme is very rigorous and is only for those who are truly motivated to secure places at top medical schools in the country.

It will be hard. It takes a lot of work. But it’s also really fun, and if you are willing to put the effort in, it’s genuinely life-changing.